Faecal calprotectin (STOOL test for ibd)

  • Fecal calprotectin is a stool test, to investigate for signs of bowel inflammation or intestinal blood loss. This test is particularly useful for detecting early signs of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, interpretation of these results requires the experience of a paediatric gastroenterologist, who will take into account other aspects of your child’s health (eg age, clinical symptoms, weight and growth) when making decisions about your child’s further investigations and treatment.

  • Auth, M. (2015). The diagnostic accuracy of faecal calprotectin in investigations for suspected inflammatory bowel disease in children. British Journal of General Practice, [online] 65(641), pp.628.3-629. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=(auth)%20AND%20calprotectin [Accessed 2 Apr. 2019].

Faecal antigen test (Test for helicobacter pylori)

  • Fecal antigen test is a stool test to screen for the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in your child’s digestive system. This test is used when there is a reason when your child can’t have an endoscopy.